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RGB LED呼吸趣味灯驱动IC



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文章来源: 更新时间:2014/11/24 9:47:00
TI公司的WL1837MOD是双频带(2.4GHz和5GHz)Wi-Fi模块解决方案,具有两个天线,符合FCC, IC,ETSI/CE和TELEC标准,操作系统包括Linux®, Android™, WinCE和RTOS.器件集成了RF,功率放大器,时钟,RF开关,滤波器,无源元件和电源.Wi-Fi部分支持IEEE Std 802.11a, 802.11b,802.11g和802.11n标准,蓝牙支持Bluetooth 4.1和CSA2,工作温度–40℃到85℃,主要用在物联网,多媒体,家用电子,家用电器和白色家电,工业和家庭自动化,智能网关,视频会议,视频相机等.本文介绍了WL1837MOD主要特性和优势,功能框图,系统应用框图,参考电路和材料清单,以及评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB主要特性,电路图,材料清单和四层PCB设计图.
The certified WiLink 8 module from TI offers high throughput and extended range along with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth coexistence (WL1837MOD only) in a power-optimized design. The WL18x7MOD is a Wi-Fi, dual-band, 2.4- and 5-GHz module solution with two antennas supporting Industrial temperature grade. The device is FCC, IC, ETSI/CE, and TELEC certified for AP (with DFS support) and client. TI offers drivers for high-level operating systems, such as Linux®, Android™, WinCE, and RTOS.

Integrates RF, Power Amplifiers (PAs), Clock, RF Switches, Filters, Passives, and Power
Quick Hardware Design With TI Module
Collateral and Reference Designs
Operating Temperature: –40℃ to 85℃
Industrial Temperature Grade
Small Form Factor: 13.3 × 13.4 × 2 mm
100-Pin MOC Package
FCC, IC, ETSI/CE, and TELEC Certified With Chip Antennas
WLAN Baseband Processor and RF Transceiver
Support of IEEE Std 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n
20- and 40-MHz SISO and 20-MHz 2 x 2 MIMO
at 2.4 GHz for High Throughput: 80 Mbps (TCP), 100 Mbps (UDP)
2.4-GHz MRC Support for Extended Range and 5-GHz Diversity Capable
Fully Calibrated: Production Calibration Not Required
4-Bit SDIO Host Interface Support
Wi-Fi Direct Concurrent Operation (Multichannel, Multirole)
Bluetooth and BLE (WL1837MOD Only)
Bluetooth 4.1 and CSA2 Support
Host Controller Interface (HCI) Transport for Bluetooth Over UART
Dedicated Audio Processor Support of SBC Encoding + A2DP
Dual-Mode Bluetooth and BLE
Bluetopia + LE Certified Stack Provided by TI
Key Benefits
Reduces Design Overhead
Differentiated Use-Cases by Configuring WiLink
8 Simultaneously in Two Roles (STA and AP) to Connect Directly With Other Wi-Fi Devices on Different RF Channel (Wi-Fi Networks)
Best-in-Class Wi-Fi With High-Performance
Audio and Video Streaming Reference
Applications With Up to 1.4X the Range Versus a Single Antenna
Different Provisioning Methods for In-Home
Devices Connectivity to Wi-Fi in One Step
Lowest Wi-Fi Power Consumption in Connected
Idle (< 800 µA)
Configurable Wake on WLAN Filters to Only
Wake Up the System
Wi-Fi-Bluetooth Single Antenna Coexistence

图1. WL1837MOD功能框图

Internet of Things
Home Electronics
Home Appliances and White Goods
Industrial and Home Automation
Smart Gateway and Metering
Video Conferencing
Video Camera and Security

图2. WL1837MOD系统应用框图

图3. WL1837MOD模块参考电路

2.4 & 5 GHz Dual Band Wi-Fi® + Bluetooth® Certified Antenna Design on WiLink™ 1837 Module
The WL1837MODCOM8I is a Wi-Fi® dual-band, Bluetooth, and BLE module evaluation board (EVB) with the TI WL1837 module (WL1837MOD). The WL1837MOD is a certified WiLink™ 8 module from TI that offers high throughput and extended range along with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth coexistence in a poweroptimized design. The WL1837MOD offers A 2.4- and 5-GHz module solution with two antennas supporting industrial temperature grade. The module is FCC, IC, ETSI/CE, and TELEC certified for AP (with DFS support) and client. TI offers drivers for high-level operating systems, such as Linux®, Android™, WinCE, and RTOS.TI.
The WiLink 1837 module antenna design is a reference design that combines the functionalities of the WiLink 8 module with a built-in antenna on a single board, implementing the module in the way it’s been certified. Through this, customers are able to evaluate the performance of the module through embedded applications such as home automation and the Internet of Things that make use of both embedded Wi-Fi and Bluetooth / Bluetooth low energy functionalities found on the WiLink 1837 module. This antenna design leverages the use of its certification by using the same layout when the module was tested for certification, allowing customers to avoid repeated certification when creating their applications.

评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB主要特性:
• WLAN, Bluetooth, and BLE on a single module board
• 100-pin board card
• Dimensions: 76.0 mm (L) x 31.0 mm (W)
• WLAN 2.4- and 5-GHz SISO (20- and 40-MHz channels), 2.4-GHz MIMO (20-MHz channels)
• Support for BLE dual mode
• Seamless integration with TI Sitara and other application processors
• Design for the TI AM335X general-purpose evaluation module (EVM)
• WLAN and Bluetooth, BLE, and ANT cores that are software- and hardware-compatible with prior WL127x, WL128x, and BL6450 offerings for smooth migration to device
• Shared host-controller-interface (HCI) transport for Bluetooth, BLE, and ANT using UART and SDIO for WLAN
• Wi-Fi and Bluetooth single-antenna coexistence
• Built-in chip antenna
• Optional U.FL RF connector for external antenna
• Direct connection to the battery using an external switched-mode power supply (SMPS) supporting 2.9- to 4.8-V operation
• VIO in the 1.8-V domain

评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB主要优势:
• Reduces design overhead: Single WiLink 8 module scales across Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
• WLAN high throughput: 80 Mbps (TCP), 100 Mbps (UDP)
• Bluetooth 4.1 + BLE (Smart Ready)
• Wi-Fi and Bluetooth single-antenna coexistence
• Low power at 30% to 50% less than the previous generation
• Available as an easy-to-use FCC-, ETSI-, and Telec-certified module
• Lower manufacturing costs saves board space and minimizes RF expertise.
• AM335x Linux and Android reference platform accelerates customer development and time to market.

评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB应用:
• Portable consumer devices
• Home electronics
• Home appliances and white goods
• Industrial and home automation
• Smart gateway and metering
• Video conferencing
• Video camera and security
图4. 评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB外形图

图5. 评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB PCB元件布局图

图6. 评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB 电路图
评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB材料清单:

图7. 评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB PCB设计图:层1

图8. 评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB PCB设计图:层2

图9. 评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB PCB设计图:层3

图10. 评估板WL1837MODCOM8I EVB PCB设计图:层4
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号  服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995