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TLUX385A 200W 4路LED驱动解决方案
文章来源: 更新时间:2014/10/30 14:57:00
ST公司的TLUX385A是用于照明和电源转换的数字控制器,具有六个可编PWM发生器,96MHz PLL和DALI,它的心脏是状态机驱动(SMED),能工作于六个单独配置的PWM时钟,最大分辨率1.3ns,用来驱动多个LED串,功率因素修正,大功率调光LED的半桥谐振转换器和HID灯镇流器的全桥控制器.本文介绍了TLUX385A主要特性,框图, STLUX385A SEMD架构主要特性和框图,以及200W数字4路LED评估板STEVAL-ILL057V1主要特性,电路图和材料清单,PCB设计图.
Digital controller for lighting and power conversion applications with 6 programmable PWM generators, 96 MHz PLL, DALI
The STLUX385A device is part of the STLUX™ family of STMicroelectronics® digital devices tailored for lighting and power conversion applications. The STLUX385A has been successfully integrated in a wide range of architectures and applications, starting from simple buck converters for driving multiple LED strings, boost for power factor corrections, half-bridge resonant converters for high power dimmable LED strings and up to full bridge controllers for HID lamp ballasts.
The heart of the STLUX385A device is the SMED (state machine event driven) technology which allows the device to operate six independently configurable PWM clocks with a maximum resolution of 1.3 ns. A SMED is a powerful autonomous state machine, which is programmed to react to both external and internal events and may evolve without any software intervention. The SMED reaction time can be as low as 10.4 ns, giving the STLUX385A the ability of operating in time critical applications. The SMED offers superior performance when compared to traditional, timer based, PWM generators.
Each SMED is configured via the STLUX385A internal microcontroller. The integrated controller extends the STLUX385A reliability and guarantees more than 15 years of both operating lifetime and memory data retention for program and data memory after cycling.
A set of dedicated peripherals complete the STLUX385A:
 4 analog comparators with configurable references and 50 ns max. propagation delay. It is ideal to implement zero current detection algorithms or detect current peaks.
 10-bit ADC with configurable op amp and 8-channel sequencer.
 DALI: hardware interface that provides full IEC 60929 and IEC 62386 slave interface.
 96 MHz PLL for high output signal resolution.
 6 programmable PWM generators (SMEDs) (state machine event driven)
– 10 ns event detection and reaction
– Max.1.3 ns PWM resolution
– Single, coupled and two coupled operational modes
– Up to 3 internal/external events per SMED
 DALI (digital addressable lighting interface)
– Interrupt driven hardware encoder
– Bus frequency: 1.2, 2.4 or 4.8 kHz
– IEC 60929 and IEC 62386 compliant plus
24-bit frame extension
– Configurable noise rejection filter
– Reverse polarity on Tx/Rx lines
 4 analog comparators
– 4 internal 4-bit references
– 1 external reference
– Less than 50 ns propagation time
– Continuous comparison cycle
 8 analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
– 10-bit precision, with operational amplifier to extend resolution to 12-bit equivalent
– Sequencer functionality
– Input impedance: 1 M
– Configurable gain value: x 1 or x 4
 Integrated microcontroller
– Advanced STM8® core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline
– Max. fCPU: 16 MHz
 Memories
– Flash and E2PROM with read while write
(RWW) and error correction code (ECC)
– Program memory: 32 Kbytes Flash; data retention 15 years at 85 ℃ after 10 kcycles at 25 ℃
– Data memory: 1 Kbyte true data E2PROM; data retention:15 years at 85 ℃ after 100 kcycles at 85 ℃
– RAM: 2 Kbytes
– ROM: 2 Kbytes
 Clock management
– Internal 96 MHz PLL
– Low-power oscillator circuit for external crystal resonator or direct clock input
– Internal, user-trimmable 16 MHz RC and low-power 153.6 kHz RC oscillators
– Clock security system with clock monitor
 Basic peripherals
– System and auxiliary timers
– IWDG/WWDG watchdog, AWU, ITC
 Reset and supply management
– Multiple low-power modes (wait, slow, autowakeup, Halt) with user definable clock gating
– Low consumption power-on and powerdown reset
 I/O
– 12 multifunction bidirectional GPIO with highly robust design, immune against current injection
– 6 fast digital input DIGIN, with configurable pull-up
 Communication interfaces
– UART asynchronous with SW flow control
– I2C master/slave fast-slow speed rate
 Operating temperature
– -40 ℃ up to 105 ℃.

图1. TLUX385A框图

The STLUX385A device generates and controls PWM signals by means of a state machine, called SMED (state machine event driven).
The core of the device is the SMED unit: a hardware state machine driven by system events. The SMED includes 4 states (S0, S1, S2 and S3) available during running operations. A special HOLD state is provided as well. The SMED allows the user to configure, for every state, which system events trigger a transaction to a new state. During a transaction from one state to the other, the PWM output signal level can be updated.
Once a SMED is configured and running, it becomes an autonomous unit, so no interaction is required since the SMED automatically reacts to system events.
Thanks to the SMED’s 96 MHz operating frequency and their automatic dithering function, the PWM maximum resolution is 1.3 ns.
The STLUX385A device has 6 SMEDs available. Multiple SMEDs can operate independently from each other or they can be grouped together to form a more powerful state machine.
The STLUX385A also integrates a low-power STM8 microcontroller which is used to configure and monitor the SMED activity and to supply external communication such as DALI. The STM8 controller has full access to all the STLUX385A subsystems, including the SMEDs. The STLUX385A device also features a sequential ADC, which can be configured to continuously sample up to 8 channels.

图2. STLUX385A SEMD架构图

STLUX385A SEMD架构主要特性:
 Configurable state machine generating a PWM signal
 More than 10.4 ns PWM native resolution
 Up to 1.3 ns PWM resolution when using SMED dithering
 6 states available in each SMED: IDLE, S0, S1, S2, S3 plus a special HOLD state
 Transactions triggered by synchronous and asynchronous external events or internal timer
 Each transaction can generate an interrupt
 Fifteen registers available to configure the state machine behavior
 Four 16-bit configurable time registers, one for each running state (T0, T1, T2, T3)
 Internal resources accessible through the processor interface
 Eight interrupt request lines


The STEVAL-ILL057V1 product evaluation board is a complete and configurable solution for managing four independent high-brightness LED channels using the STLUX385A digital controller.
The STLUX385A is part of STMicroelectronics’ Masterlux™ family and embeds advanced peripherals tailored to generate high resolution PWM signals (SMED).
The STEVAL-ILL057V1 implements inversed buck topology to drive each LED channel. The SMED technology integrated in the STLUX385A regulates the LED current, exploiting the fixed offtime (FOT) principle. Each channel can generate output current in the range of 250 mA to 1 A.
The number of LEDs, the current and the PWM dimming point can be set through the command interpreter, accessible via the serial interface.Dimming can also be manually adjusted via the three on-board buttons.
The evaluation board can be optionally controlled via a DALI interface. The DALI connection board is available separately (part number STEVALILM001V1).
The STLUX385A DALI software drivers and application firmware are available.

• Based on the STLUX385A digital controller
• Up to 200 W
• 4 LED channels
• Adjustable LED current and dimming
• Adaptive voltage compensation
• Real-time fault detection and protection (e.g: short or open circuit)
• Serial interface
• DALI (optional)
• RoHS compliant

图3. 200W数字4路LED评估板STEVAL-ILL057V1外形图

图4. 200W数字4路LED评估板STEVAL-ILL057V1电路图(1)

图5. 200W数字4路LED评估板STEVAL-ILL057V1电路图(2)

图6. 200W数字4路LED评估板STEVAL-ILL057V1电路图(3)

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