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MM9Z1J638智能电池监测解决方案 |
文章来源: 更新时间:2014/5/24 10:21:00 |
Freescale公司的MM9Z1J638是集成了CAN和LIN的智能电池传感器,是全集成的智能电池监测系统,通过外接并联电阻支持精密的电流测量,具有四个电压测量.器件包括内部的温度传感器,允许进行非常接近的电池温度测量,同时具有四个外接温度传感器输入.MM9Z1J638还具有LIN 2.2协议和物理接口以及msCAN协议控制器,用来和汽车总线接口.主要用在汽车电子和工业控制.本文介绍了MM9Z1J638主要特性,框图,典型应用电路和12V应用电路,以及评估板KIT9Z1J638EVM主要特性,框图,测试建立图,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The MM9Z1_638 is a fully integrated intelligent battery monitoring system. The device supports precise current measurement via an external shunt resistor. It features four voltage measurements via internal calibrated resistor dividers or external dividers. It includes an internal temperature sensor, allowing close proximity battery temperature measurements, plus four extern al temperature sensor inputs.
The MM9Z1_638 features the LIN 2.2 protocol and physical interface, as well as an msCAN protocol controller, for interfacing to automotive buses.
The MM9Z1_638 is able to supply and control external CAN interfaces.
This device is powered by SMARTMOS technology.
• Wide range battery current measurement; On-chip temperature measurement
• Four battery voltage measurements with internal resistor dividers, and up to five direct voltage measurements for use with an external resistor divider
• Measurement synchronization between voltage channels and current channels
• Five external temperature sensor inputs with internal supply for external sensors
• Low-power modes with low-current operation
• Multiple wake-up sources: LIN, timer, high-voltage input, external CAN interface, and current threshold and integration
• Precision internal oscillator and connections for external crystal
• LIN 2.2/ 2.1/ 2.0 protocol and physical interface
• msCAN protocol controller, and supply capability for 8 and 14 pin CAN interfaces
• MM9Z1_638: S12Z microcontroller with 96/128 kByte Flash, 8.0 kByte RAM, 4.0 kByte EEPROM
• Automotive
Battery monitoring
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) inverter controller
• Industrial
Energy storage systems (ESS)
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)
Cordless tools and appliances
图3.12V MM9Z1J638典型应用电路
Freescale’s KIT9Z1J638EVM is a hardware tool for evaluation and development. It is ideal for rapid prototyping of MCU-based applications for current, voltage and temperature sensing. The intelligent battery sensor MM9Z1J638 hardware, KIT9Z1J638EVM, is a simple, yet sophisticated design featuring an intelligent battery sensor with CAN and LIN.
KIT9Z1J638EVM can be used to evaluate the MM9Z1_638 family device. It features a MM9Z1J638, integrating a S12Z MCU and a SMARTMOS analog control IC into a single-package solution. The MM9Z1J638 enables precision measurement of key battery parameters, current, voltage and temperature. The acquisitions are run through three 16-bit sigma-delta ADCs embedded into the analog IC.
The MM9Z1J638 features a LIN protocol and physical interface compatible with LIN 2.0/2.1/2.2 requirements and MSCAN protocol controller and supply capability for 8 and 14 pin CAN interface.
The on-board interfaces include CAN, LIN. The CAN Physical Layer footprint allows to mount 8- or 14-pin CAN interface; the connection of the physical layer to MM9Z1J638 is done through jumpers to allow each configuration.
The KIT9Z1J638EVM is featuring Open Source BDM (OSBDM) providing low-speed debug communications to the S12Z core.
The KIT9Z1J638EVM evaluation board demonstrates the MM9Z1J638 multi-chip module IC. The board’s main features are as follows:
•MM9Z1J638 intelligent battery sensor in a 48-QFN package with wettable flank
•High-speed CAN interface using MC33901, high-speed CAN transceiver and msCAN protocol layer embedded into the MM9Z1J638
•LIN interface
•Customizable GPIOs for voltage and temperature sensing
•LED indicators
•Onboard BDM connection via open source OSBDM circuit using the MC9S08JM60 MCU.
•Support for external BDM interface (for instance P&E USB Multilink BDM interface)
图4. 评估板KIT9Z1J638EVM外形图
图5. 评估板KIT9Z1J638EVM框图
图6. 评估板KIT9Z1J638EVM测试建立图
图7. 评估板KIT9Z1J638EVM电路图(1)
图8. 评估板KIT9Z1J638EVM电路图(2)
图9. 评估板KIT9Z1J638EVM PCB元件布局图:顶层
图10. 评估板KIT9Z1J638EVM PCB元件布局图:底层 |